We are hiring student interns!
We are seeking student applications for multiple intern positions.
We are hiring student interns!
We are seeking student applications for multiple intern positions.
The Center was recently featured in a news story at the Media School's website.
Two Female Graduate Students Mobilize 3D Printing for COVID-19
Two female graduate students utilize 3D printing to make PPE shields in the wake of the global COVID-19 Pandemic.
IUB Women Rising has joined our Center!
The Center of Excellence for Women & Technology is excited to announce that IUB Women Rising has joined our Center!
Glazewski honored as the Outstanding Faculty Mentor/ Advocate Award winner at the 2020 Summit
Dr. Krista Glazewski was honored as the Outstanding Faculty Mentor/ Advocate Award winner at the 2020 Summit
Laherty honored as the Outstanding Faculty Mentor / Advocate Award winner at the 2020 Summit
Dr. Jennifer Laherty was honored as the Outstanding Faculty Mentor / Advocate Award winner at the 2020 Summit
Attenoukon Honored as the Outstanding Staff Mentor / Advocate at the 2020 Summit
Miriam Attenoukon Honored as the Outstanding Staff Mentor / Advocate at the 2020 Summit
Two students honored as Outstanding Student Leaders at the 2020 Summit
Two students were honored as Outstanding Student Leaders at the 2020 Summit
Center Co-Founders Featured in Local Magazine
Executive Director Maureen Biggers & IU First Lady Laurie Burns McRobbie, co-founders of the Center, are featured in the latest issue of Bloom Magazine.
Biggers Awarded Bicentennial Medal
Maureen Biggers received the IU Bloomington Bicentenial Medal on Friday, March 6, 2020.
Hear from the Summit's Featured Speaker
Hear from the Summit's Featured Speaker and register today for the 7th Annual Summit: Celebrating Women & Technology.