Summit Hub

Hang out at the Hub - 2025

Come visit the Summit Hub in the Oak Room between sessions or when you need a conference break. Activities in the Summit Hub include:

  • Expo Hall with our corporate and IU partners and sponsors. Come visit them, learn about their organization or business, and grab some swag!
  • Create a paper circuit thank you card for a woman who has contributed positively to your journey
  • Create your own Women + Tech Summit button at our button making station
  • Design and create your initials in binary code beads at the binary bracelet making station
  • Give back by compiling a giving kit for clients of Middle Way House (more below)
  • Grab a coffee or snack, when available.

CEW&T interns and staff will be on hand in the Summit Hub to help you complete these activities. Come relax and create in the Hub!

Give Back

This year, as part of the 2025 Women + Technology Summit, we are inviting our conference participants to give back to a wonderful organization in our community. Read about the organization below and how you can contribute.  

The Middle Way House: 

For fifty years, Middle Way House has been dedicated to helping people in crisis. Today, it offers a range of empowering services, including emergency shelter, a 24-hour help and crisis line, on-scene advocacy, support services, and transitional and permanent housing solutions for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Additionally, Middle Way House engages with the community through its education and prevention programs. 

To learn more about Middle Way House, check out their website: Middle Way House   

How can I help? 

In the Summit Hub we will be preparing 60 giving kits for women in need using supplies donated by our Center. You can help us by assembling the kits.  

Additionally, we encourage you to make a donation of your own to the Middle Way House! If you bring one of the high-need items listed below to the Summit registration table, you will be given an additional prize ticket to win one of several amazing prizes at the closing remarks on Saturday! 

Needed items include: 

  • Batteries (especially AAA) 
  • New towels or washcloths 
  • Baby wipes 
  • Pull-ups 
  • New Tupperware 
  • Cleaning supplies 
  • Laundry and dish soap 

Drop off items at registration from 1:30-5:45pm on Friday or from 9:15am-2pm on Saturday. You must attend the Closing Remarks in person at 3:15pm on Saturday to win and claim prizes.