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Resume Highlights
Education: Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of California, San Diego
- Her dissertation is entitled “Simultaneously Ensuring Privacy and Authenticity in Digital Communication.”
Research Areas: Cryptography, computer and network security, and distributed systems
- Before cryptography, she worked with Professor Keith Marzullo and Dr. Jeremy Sussman on an optimistic wrapper service for CORBA. The system is part of the Serrano project, an ongoing project in collaboration with University of Texas at Austin
Occupation: Faculty member in the Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Thailand
Interview Excerpts
What do you hope your legacy will be in this field of study?
I came from rather humble beginnings. Having been given an opportunity to pursue my undergraduate and graduate studies in the U.S. through a Thai Government scholarship, I feel that it is important for me to use my good fortune to help my students, especially those who are less fortunate than I was, to have a chance at improving their lives. At minimum, I hope whatever skills and knowledge I can give them will help them provide for themselves and their families. But I also hope that, along the way, they will learn to think about the world beyond their immediate surroundings.
Has working in a male dominated field presented any barriers to you? If so, how have you overcome or addressed these? How do you see women progressing in this field?
I think more opportunities for real dialogues should be created. Society in general seems to be ready to listen to what women have to say much more now than in the past. That said, I don't think it is productive to engage with people who are not looking to have real dialogues. The difficulty of course is in figuring out which is which.
What advice do you have for girls and young women interested in a career in cryptography?
Go for it! Keep an open mind. Find supportive people and avoid toxicity. If one has to choose, I have found that picking good people first, then picking good projects later, is a strategy that usually works out well.