Featured Speaker
We are thrilled to announce Lauren Hasson as the Featured Speaker for the 7th Annual Summit, scheduled for Friday, March 6 & Saturday, March 7, 2020 in the Indiana Memorial Union.
Lauren is the founder of Develop[Her] and a senior engineer in apps and information security at a leading Silicon Valley fintech company. She founded Develop[Her] to help fellow female professionals advance their careers, stand-out in their field, and negotiate for the salaries they deserve after starting over herself from ground zero at age 29 and then learning that a male peer was hired at 50% more than her.
Lauren will present the Keynote address during the evening banquet on Friday, March 6, 2020 and the Plenary address during breakfast on Saturday, March 7, 2020.
Submit a Proposal for a Breakout Session
We invite IU students, faculty, staff, alumnae, employers, and community members to submit breakout session proposals that provide an opportunity for women in the IU community to learn about and engage with the use of technology across a broad spectrum of majors and academic fields. The deadline for submitting a proposal is 11:59pm, January 26, 2020.
Register Now!
Online registration is now open. The cost to attend is just $10*, and for that you will receive entry to breakout sessions and all conference sessions on both Friday & Saturday, breakfast on Saturday, lunch both days, a banquet dinner Friday night (seating is limited), free professional headshots, a t-shirt and water bottle (while supplies last), and much more!
*If you are unable to pay that but would still like to attend, you may request a scholarship by emailing cewit@indiana.edu with the following information:
- Your Name
- Your status (student, faculty, staff, alumnae, community member, etc.)
- Your email address
- A brief description of why you are requesting a scholarship
Online registration will end on March 3, 2020. After that date you may register on-site. We encourage you to register online, because you're more likely to get your preferred t-shirt size and access to the limited-seating banquet.
The Summit is an annual technology conference hosted by the IU Center of Excellence for Women & Technology on the IU Bloomington campus. The Summit provides an opportunity to celebrate women & technology and for the IU community to share, learn, engage with, and experience technology across a variety of skill levels and disciplines.