Lead Intern - Entrepreneurs and Tech
Undergraduate in Kelley School of Business pursuing a Bachelor’s in Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation with a Co-Major in Sustainable Business
The Entrepreneurs & Tech team encourages and offers IU innovators the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship linked to technology.
By linking and developing a community network of like-minded students, faculty, alumnae, and experience professionals, potential budding entrepreneurs can use the network to grow in knowledge, confidence, and ability to launch and participate in diverse startups. Exploring and committed students are welcome.
Description of the video:
Hello we are the entrepreneurs and Tech Team at the center of excellence for women in technology and this video is going to be over how to spend your summer if you're just trying to get ahead in school or maybe have a startup of your own so just to start off with who we are we are the center of excellence for women in technology we Empower students to build confidence and knowledge about technology expand leadership and Tech skills and to fully leverage technology and support of academic and professional Excellence we do a lot of workshops we have multiple other teams if you're interested in AI code just like that um yeah we have lots of Consulting guest speakers workshops we can connect you with resources so whatever you need um we are available to help and so are the other teams in our organization and if we're gonna kick it off to Lauren and Kate to talk about how to take advantage of the summer so I think it's important to start with classes and involvement planning um as an entrepreneurship and corporate Innovation major here um at Kelly you have the option um to take all these great classes um across the board um exploring entrepreneurship is open to all different Majors so I highly encourage you to sign up for this class um it's a three credit course and then if you decide that you do want to pursue this major um w235 through W all these classes pretty much um are classes that you're required to take in your major in addition to a elective credit so idea validation and business model planning and new Venture planning focuses on creating an idea and then actually implementing it through by creating your business plan corporate venturing and Venture Capital entrepreneurial Finance are classes about how you can manage your funds and you know what to do in the corporate space and then some of these are electives below such as women in the entrepreneur challenge or social entrepreneurship that you can take to you know more Spence specify what you're trying to get out of your entrepreneurship degree there are many organizations as well to get involved with ours the center of excellence for a moment and the technology is a great resource to start with and join the CEO club club innovators Club are also really great the social Enterprise engagement at Kelly um all these organizations serve a different need and you know Foster that great entrepreneurial community so genev's going to talk a little bit about the Luddy focused organizations so the organizations that are part of Luddy would be Shoemaker Scholars ideation creation entrepreneurs which goes by ice and then product product management club these are all going to be in room 2150 and they meet after class is usually around 6 30 5 30 depends on the week but if you want to know more about these you can just look them up they usually all have websites and they'll have a lot of information there so now we're going to dive into some IU and Bloomington resources some of the resources that are available are the Johnson Center for entrepreneurship and Innovation Hoosier Hatchery the Shoemaker Innovations Center the shoebox ice Miller legal council just countless ones um including like Elevate ventures in the mill all of these are outside resources that you can go to to you know get that one-on-one help for helping your idea turn into a startup and you know actually further implementing it um these are great places to find mentors and you know resources in terms of support okay and it we're gonna talk about some additional educational resources um that you might be interested and can look at at any time LinkedIn learning is an amazing platform um it basically has all these expert-led tutorials and courses where you can specialize in pretty much anything and learn about anything and I think through um your IU um email and things like that you have free access to these LinkedIn learning courses so IU faculty and staff should definitely take advantage of this also podcasts are great ways to learn more about you know the entrepreneurial space um these can be listened to at any time of the day it's one of my personal favorites is how I built this where um Guy Fieri or guy Raz basically talks about oh um there's all these um one-on-one interviews with um entrepreneurs who have been very successful and they basically talk about how they were able to create their idea into something bigger also um is there some additional podcasts that you could look into um in addition to book recommendations um these are some books that have really stood out to us these include um all these great books that are business focused I know personally I've read grit by Angela Duckworth which just talks about like resilience and how you can um push Point your push and you know create your passion into an actual um idea you know like how you can get to the other side with resilience um The Tipping Point is also a really great book by Malcolm Gladwell and The Lean Startup I've heard great things about so these are definitely some to check out okay I can touch on this a little bit so um networking is so so important if you're going to spend your summer um working I think that's a great way to spend it because the people that you can meet through different jobs even if it's being a waitress or working at a drive-through at your local fast food restaurant this is all great ways to practice your networking and people skills and networking is going to help you so much by either getting that corporate experience um with finding a job through networking or potentially meeting people that can help further your startup whether that be funding or mentorship um or just advice and having someone to bounce your idea off of so some important tips um if you want to have structured networking and reach out to people for networking calls which I really recommend um summer is a great time to reach out because there's a lot of free time you have an open schedule and you want to prioritize accommodating to the person that you're networking with schedule so a couple important tips is to send a professional email to reach out request no more than 30 minutes of time because everyone has very busy schedules um so it's very professional to request 20 to 30 minutes and make sure to preface in your email that you are just like requesting a quick call and preface how many minutes you would like to speak with them for so they can accurately plan out their day come prepared with your resume and any questions even if you're just talking with someone to bounce ideas off of it's really important to always have your resume I've heard many stories of people getting jobs through networking calls because they became prepared with their resume and always ask questions um assume that you have to lead the conversation um you can always ask for referrals or advice to expand your network so personally at the end of my networking calls I ask if there's anyone else they think would be good for me to talk to um depending on the purpose of our conversation and many times or for you to three or four more people to do networking calls and then those three or four people will refer you to even more people which really helps expand your network um it's really important to be yourself and be personable it have fun with it don't be nervous I know that's easier said than done um but just make sure to be yourself and show your personality um so that both parties enjoy the phone call and also send a follow-up thank you email it's this is so so important a lot of times people forget to send the thank you email because it's after the networking call but this is even more important than your original email thank them for their time share something that you've learned and make sure to keep in touch in the future I usually check in like every two months with some of the people that I've networked with that have helped me um get past opportunities so make connections internships summer jobs even through Linkedin um your friend's parents your family friends um your parents friends are all good resources to reach out to and utilize the network that you have now and that is a great way to start expanding your network awesome so lastly think outside the box our team touches a lot on creativity so we want you to practice your creativity in all the ways that are possible over your time this summer notice problems around you and think about Solutions I keep a little idea book um and it helps me to it's helped me in a lot of my projects where I'm coming up with a business idea because I experience my life and I find problems and I think of ideas to potentially solve them and I feel like that is the root of Entrepreneurship so finding that root cause and noticing and taking note of all your potential ideas is really important um keep an open mind and put into practice your creative creativity skills however you do this um we've had a lot of creativity workshops in the past and even if it's making Doodles on your notebook or playing the guitar or doing something that's a creative passion of yours um to really put into practice that think outside of the box mindset awesome well thank you all for watching our video um and please feel free to reach out and join the center mailing list if you're already not a part of it you can find it on the Center's website um but thank you again for taking the time to watch our video and enjoy your summer and make the most out of it.Join the Entrepreneurs & Tech team for an engaging conversation with Scott Dorsey, a successful tech entrepreneur and alumnus from the Kelley School of Business, discussing his journey, advice for aspiring young entrepreneurs, and brainstorming ways to create a safer space for women in tech.
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Lead Intern - Entrepreneurs and Tech
Undergraduate in Kelley School of Business pursuing a Bachelor’s in Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation with a Co-Major in Sustainable Business
Intern - Entrepreneurs and Tech
Nirali Sanghvi is an undergraduate student studying Economic Consulting at the Kelley School of Business and an Entrepreneurs & Tech Intern on the Alliance Team.
Susan Batchelder
Faculty Champion
Susan is a Senior Lecturer in the department of Management and Entrepreneurship in the Kelley School of Business. Her areas of expertise include Entrepreneurship, Corporate Innovation, and Business Communication.