Allies for Equity

Promoting efforts toward gender equity

Allies for Equity seeks to advocate for women through educating other IU (Indiana University) students about challenges that women in technology adjacent fields and disciplines face. Interns will run programs to educate and inspire other students in how to become allies and accomplices in helping dismantle systemic barriers to women. The team’s goal is to provide an opportunity for students of all genders to support and engage with the Center’s mission though exposure, advocacy, and practical application. Through involvement with this team, you will learn about the challenges of women as well as ways that you can leverage this knowledge and your identity to raise awareness and combat negative influences that perpetuate the male dominated culture in technology.

Men have the power to affect change, so come and join us as we learn about gender equity issues and how to be an ally to women.

Description of the video:

Ues so my name is Jake Taylor and I am the lead for the Allies for Equity team at the Center of Excellence for Women and Technology. So Allies for Equity is an alliance team within the Center of Excellence for Women that is a group of undergrad men that learn about gender equity issues and how to use their identity and privileges and skills to uplift and be allies to women in tech spheres and outside of tech spheres as well. I think our team really hopes to grow and create more of a community so what we're really trying to do is to reach out to men and get them talking about these issues since they have a lot of power to make changes.

Upcoming Events

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Allies for Equity Alliance Leaders

Intern - Allies for Equity


Izzy is a sophomore in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering pursuing a degree in Cybersecurity and Global Policy with a minor in Computer Science.

Lead Intern - Allies for Equity


Laila is a senior in the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs studying Policy Analysis with minors in Information Systems and Environmental Science & Health.

Intern - Allies for Equity


Max is a Senior in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering pursuing a degree in Informatics with a cognate in Cybersecurity.

Matt Zink

Staff Champion

Matt Zink is a Business Analyst on IU’s Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) team.  He has been with University Information Technology Servicers for four years and enjoys cycling, journaling, coffee, and playing his bass.