A Quantum Entanglement Lab Using Entangled Gammas from Positron Annihilation

Ariel Smyrichinsky
Undergraduate Researcher
Physics Major (College of Arts and Sciences)

William Snow
Faculty Mentor
William Snow (College of Arts & Sciences)
Project Description
Many people have heard of the concept of "Schrodinger's Cat" in which a system can be simultaneously in two different states (alive and dead) at the same time. Our project involves two Schrodinger's cats (particles of light called photons) whose equivalent of "alive" and "dead" states are correlated.
Technology or Computational Component
The project involves detection of high energy photons from matter-antimatter annihilation, electronics that count the photons, a computer-based data acquisition system to collect the events, and analysis of data from the measurements. Student involvement can connect with any subset of these activities