Co-design of technology interventions for family caregivers of people living with dementia

Sarah Boucher
Undergraduate Researcher
Community Health Major (School of Public Health)

Alana Shepherd
Undergraduate Researcher
Molecular Life Sciences Major (College of Arts & Sciences)

Nicole Werner
Faculty Mentor
Nicole Werner (School of Public Health)
Project Description
The research apprentice will have the opportunity to work a project of their choice, with three NIH-funded project options all focused on designing and evaluating technology interventions for family caregivers of people living with dementia. 1. Co-design with caregivers, people living with dementia, and clinicians to develop and iteratively refine the ADRD Systematic Hospital Inclusion Family Toolkit (A-SHIFT) using a systems engineering-based co-design process. A-SHIFT will change the paradigm of care to include and prepare family caregivers of people living with dementia during and after a hospital stay. 2. User test the Helping the Helpers intervention with ADRD caregivers--an intervention to support family caregivers in managing medications for a person with dementia. We will test the Helping the Helpers prototype for usability and acceptability with 12 caregivers who will use the interactive prototype at home for 14 days. We will assess usability and acceptability via use data, survey instruments, and post-use interviews. 3. User test Alzheimer’s Family Connection, an innovative and novel online community and personalized resource connection specific to the needs of rural ADRD caregivers. We will assess usability and acceptability via use data, survey instruments, and post-use interviews.
Technology or Computational Component
The research apprentice will become part of the research design team working within a multidisciplinary group of psychologists, designers, computer scientists, and clinicians to design technologies that improve the health of people living with dementia their family caregivers. The apprentice will have the opportunities to use multiple technologies to conduct this work as part of our team including collecting data through mobile apps, qualitative coding software, user experience research software (e.g., prototyping software, usability testing software), and statistical analysis programs.