Competition, Mutualism, and Virulence

Maddie Kauffman
Undergraduate Researcher
Biology Major (College of Arts & Sciences)

Farrah Bashey-Visser
Faculty Mentor
Farrah Bashey-Visser (College of Arts & Sciences)
Project Description
Our lab focuses on how competitive and mutualistic interactions affect the evolution and coexistence of species. Our goal is to test theoretical models explaining the maintenance of genetic variation. Specifically, we work on insect pathogenic nematodies and their bacterial symbionts. We are examining whether these partners are exclusive or exchanging using both experimental approaches and field surveys.
Technology or Computational Component
Students will be involved in statistical anlysis of their data using techniques such logistic regression and analysis of variance using SAS and R. Additionally, they will be involved in phylogenetic analysis of sequence data, designing primers, and analyzing genomic data.