A qualitative study of experiences of participation in mass participation sport events

Rachel Waller
Undergraduate Researcher
History Major (College of Arts & Sciences)

Mona Mirehie
Faculty Mentor
Mona Mirehie (IUPUI School of Health & Human Sciences)
Project Description
The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of gender on experiences of participation in mass participation sport events (MPSEs) such as marathons and/or cycling. The study involved interviews with 23 individuals who participated in MPSEs. Interviewees were asked to talk about their participation history, their motivation, their emotions during a race, and their perception of risk.
Technology or Computational Component
Interviews were recorded and transcribed for the analysis. Data analysis is conducted using a qualitative data analysis software, Atlas.ti. The main goal of this mentorship program is to familiarize the mentee with the qualitative data analysis process with a particular focus on the use of Atlas.ti in qualitative analysis.