Understanding Digital Service Quality: An Example of Chatbots

Anya Shah
Undergraduate Researcher
Marketing Major (Kelley School of Business)

Ran Huang
Faculty Mentor
Ran Huang (Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design)
Project Description
This project is to explore how brands employ artificial intelligence (AI) based chatbots to communicate with consumers. A series of studies will be conducted in this project. First, content analysis will be used to explore different brands' service qualities via chatbots. Second, natural language processing tools will be employed to measure different communication styles in chatbots. Lastly, survey questionnaire will be conducted to measure how consumers think of chatbots' service qualities.
Technology or Computational Component
This project looks into chatbot's communication style as an important component of digital service quality. This project will enhance student's technological knowledge by understanding chatbot from a perspective of user experience. Student will be involved in the three steps of the project by conducting content analysis, designing survey questionnaire, and experiencing natural language processing tool (e.g., LIWC; https://www.liwc.app/).