Climate Change / Resilience Survey Work

Lina Mark
Undergraduate Researcher
Environmental Science Major (O'Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs)

Diane Henshel
Faculty Mentor
Diane Henshel (O'Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs)
Project Description
Climate change is causing stronger and more variable storm events in the Great Lakes region. We have generated a survey that collects information about storm, flooding, erosion and heat risk perception and recent (5 year) history with storm-related impacts on critical infrastructure near where people live. This project involves taking the results of the survey and analyzing it, considering what interesting correlations exist, and linking the results of the survey to the published literature. Skills you will be trained on and work with will include: research in the peer reviewed literature, survey analysis, data presentation, and results summarization.
Technology or Computational Component
This project involves survey analysis. At the base, the analysis will be descriptive. The potential exists for more in depth statistical analysis.