Perceptual representation of speaker gender

Matty Kilgore
Undergraduate Researcher
Psychology Major (College of Arts & Sciences)

Tessa Bent
Faculty Mentor
Tessa Bent (College of Arts & Sciences)
Project Description
This project investigates listeners’ perception of speaker gender beyond the binary (e.g., either male or female). We consider how listeners perceptually represent speakers of diverse gender identities and how experience with diverse identities may shape perceptual representations. Cisgender and transgender speakers have provided recording of sentences that we will present to listeners in different types of behavioral tasks to assess how they are perceived. Using a range of statistical techniques, we aim to determine which aspects of the speech are most salient to listeners. Broadly this work considers how listeners extract information about a person's identity from their speech.
Technology or Computational Component
The student working on this project will contribute to data collection. For this component, the student will learn how to use software used to collect behavioral data (e.g., PsychoPy). In addition, the student will contribute to data analysis and data visualization using Excel and R.