Robotic telepresence in the classroom

Amy Kinney
Undergraduate Researcher
Informatics Major (Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, & Engineering)

Elizabeth Brooks
Undergraduate Researcher
Informatics Major (Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, & Engineering)

Houda El Mimouni
Faculty Mentor
Houda El Mimouni (Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering)
Project Description
The work described below is affiliated with the R-House Human-Robot Interaction Lab (, which is a collaborative research group and space that brings together faculty, research staff, and students who study human-robot interaction (HRI). HRI is a field that explores how people perceive, respond to, and interact with robots, and how to better design robots so they can be used in everyday contexts, such as the home, work, education, or healthcare. If you are interested in such topics, we invite you to join us in our studies.
Technology or Computational Component
Our research investigates the connection between robots, as embodied computing technologies, and people. While working on the project, students will become familiar with interactive robotic technologies, study how different aspects of robot design affect people's perceptions of and reactions to robots, and help us develop design recommendations for future telepresence robots. We will also discuss the potential societal implications of telepresence robots we are designing.