Synthesis of Intracellular Virus-based Strain Sensors

Hannah Smolen
Undergraduate Researcher
Biotechnology Major (College of Arts & Sciences)

Ayesha Amjad
Faculty Mentor
Ayesha Amjad (College of Arts & Sciences)
Project Description
This project entails synthesis of virus-like particles (VLPs) that essentially mimic viruses but lack the infective genomic material to provide a way to measure the mechanical responses of viruses when interacting with a cell. By combining the optical properties of multiple absorbers (such as gold nanoparticles) with the properties of virus capsids, we will create a deformation sensitive probe. Systematic experimentation with such virus-like probes would prove useful in studies of the mechanism of virus translocation in the confines of a host cell and provide new knowledge advantageous to therapeutic delivery technologies.
Technology or Computational Component
The project is more synthesis based. Virus extraction and purification will be performed, synthesis of gold nanoparticles and encapsulation of multiple synthesized nanoparticles inside the virus core will be extensively dealt with under different reaction conditions.