
Anastasija Naumoski
Undergraduate Researcher
Biology Major (College of Arts & Sciences)

Barbara Dennis
Faculty Mentor
Barbara Dennis (School of Education)
Project Description
We are gathering the ordinary stories of women we love around the world and sharing them on a website ofwomenwelove.org. The project plans to be multilingual and multicultural. The point is to gather the often untold intergenerational stories of women's lives through the perspective of longstanding relationships of love: daughters interviewing mothers for example. We are developing a methodology for gathering and retelling life stories using storymapping technologies with the hopes of better understanding the many meanings of living life as a woman - around the globe, across economic and cultural conditions, intergenerationally and with a broad inclusive understanding of woman.
Technology or Computational Component
We are using storymapping technologies and web-based data collection and dissemination in our research. Students will learn to use the storymapping technologies and will help the project maintain its ongoing website. Additionally, we will begin analyzing the stories using a web-based qualitative software program. However, the primarily engagement with the technology will be through using the storymapping software (through arcGIS) and its translation to web-based dissemination.