Gender Differences in Social Norm Adherence

Ana Lim
Undergraduate Researcher
English Major (College of Arts & Sciences)

Ed Hirt
Faculty Mentor
Ed Hirt (College of Arts & Sciences)
Project Description
Past research in our lab has shown that women adhere more than men to injunctive norms (social norms that tell us what we “should” do or what is “the right thing” to do) (Cialdini et al., 1991). This pattern has been found in multiple contexts, such as academic effort and personal investment. We are running a study that will show us whether this is still the case if the injunctive norm comes from peers rather than an expert or authority figure. We are also looking into whether this norm adherence pattern is seen as a gender stereotype, wherein more feminine people are assumed to adhere to injunctive norms or more masculine people are expected to ignore these norms. Is this effect robust across contexts, or are there contexts where it is expected to change?
Technology or Computational Component
This project will include exposure to multiple survey design and data analysis tools such as Qualtrics, SPSS, and R. Our studies are run online, and students may be responsible for survey design, data collection, and troubleshooting using Qualtrics. Alongside this experience, running studies also allows for participant interaction. Following data collection, students may also be involved with data cleaning and analysis using R and SPSS.