Conquest and Colonialism in the Sierra Sur of Nejapa: Next Steps and Future Research

Natalie Parrish
Undergraduate Researcher
Spanish Major (Hamilton Lugar School of Global & International Studies)

Stacie King
Faculty Mentor
Stacie King (College of Arts & Sciences)
Project Description
In 2021-2022, I am going to be planning new archaeological research examining the differential impact of conquest and colonialism on people who lived in the Sierra Sur of Nejapa, Oaxaca, Mexico from the 14th to 16th centuries. Future research could take several forms, and there are data sets that I will need to pull together and organize. Digital work will include digital illustrations and GIS modeling work that will need to be completed as we decide which specific questions, sites, and activities to foreground in grant proposals to fund future field research.
Technology or Computational Component
GIS mapping, modeling, and analysis, as well as illustration and graphic design work using Adobe Illustrator and Wacom graphics tablet. Knowledge of Spanish language is also helpful for this project since all field notes and notations were taken in Spanish.