The Role of Youtube in the Advancement of the Black Lives Matter Global Movement (BLMGM)

Callie Johnson
Undergraduate Researcher
Political Science Major (College of Arts & Sciences)

Carly Rasmussen
Undergraduate Researcher
Journalism Major (The Media School)

Betty Dlamini
Faculty Mentor
Betty Dlamini (Hamilton Lugar School of Global & International Studies)
Project Description
This study will investigate the occurrence of Black Lives Matters (BLM) protest marches across the globe since the killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, 2020. After the occurrence of that incident, people in Minneapolis staged a protest march to draw the attention of the local justice system toward the injustices against black people. Immediately, numerous cities across the globe staged protest marches in their local cities. The protests were recorded and posted on Youtube. The students will track the Youtube videos that depict the protest marches and identify their effects in the various locations.
Technology or Computational Component
Students will be scraping data from Youtube and online news, cleaning the data, and analyzing the data. In addition, training in Nvivo, software for qualitative data analysis, will be provided.