Social Isolation and Loneliness While Living with a Spinal Cord Injury

Jakailyn Aaron
Undergraduate Researcher
Community Health Major (School of Public Health)

Jasmine Tafoya
Undergraduate Researcher
Recreational Therapy Major (School of Public Health)
Project Description
A spinal cord injury (SCI) is a debilitating injury that changes all facets of an individual’s life. In addition to the injury, the secondary medical complications create further barriers for full engagement in one’s life, including social isolation and loneliness. This has become increasingly problematic for this population especially during this uncertain time of shelter in place. This study will include developing an online survey that will provide information on how shelter in place has impacted overall psychological health, including the pros and cons of facilitating telehealth as an alternative as in person social experiences.
Technology or Computational Component
Students will be introduced to developing online survey instruments, analyzing the data as well as the impact (both positive and negative) that telehealth can have on individuals living with a spinal cord injury.